Well, I've just started this new online critique group and needed something to submit. I thought it would be a good idea to see if coming back to it would open my eyes to anything that needs fixing before handing it over to my agent.
All I can say is....Wow...
Here's what I realized:
- How much I love my characters: I fell in love with this novel all over again. I've got so drawn into the characters' world that it's a nice reminder of why I'm writing in the first place.
- How not ready it is: the adage of setting something aside and then going back to it with fresh eyes is so true. Now I'm rewriting the whole thing (yes, again). But I've grown so much as a writer over the last couple of years, that the process is fun (yes, I said fun). I am making it soooo much better.
- How important critique groups are: the ladies critiquing the first couple chapters have been so "spot-on" and so honest in their critiques that they are exactly what I needed to bring this novel up to the level it needs to be for publication.
So here's my advice: if you've just finished something, or even if you've just finished revision, set it aside. I know, I know. You're excited and want to get it into an agent's or editor's hands pronto. But trust me, set it aside. For at least a couple months. Then go back to it. Or....for those of you who have a manuscript that you have set to the side and it's been a while (months, years), it may be time to dust off the old manuscript. Fall in love with it again.
And then get to work...