Monday, May 9, 2011

A new idea has sprung!

I was sitting at the computer, muttering to myself (I'm real good at muttering), when my husband comes in and says, "So what're you working on now that your revision is done?"

Good question. But instead I responded, "Don't interrupt my game of Solitaire."

My hubby knew I was sort of in a funk over the whole "rewrite" business (see earlier post). "What about that idea I liked from last summer?" he asked.

"I don't know. Let me think about it."

And think about it I surely did! The idea started percolating a week or two ago. I pulled up the document that I had started last summer. A page or two of nonsense, but I have to admit, it sucked me in.

Then it happened. (I love it when it happens). The idea took root and began growing. Sure, it was just the crevices of my mind, but it has now moved into the forefront. Nice. Very nice.

My fingers have been busy typing ever since. How cool that I already have fifty pages?!? It is definitely a first draft, but it feels good to start the creative process on this whole new idea.

So...the moral of the story is ...get writing! We all have new ideas inside of us just waiting to get out and onto paper!


  1. Every book idea you've had is a future best seller in my very humble opinion. You will be successful because you work hard for it.

  2. I'm right with you, from completely rewriting a novel I loved, to getting re-inspired by an old novel that had been set aside. Looking forward to following your journey!
